Terms and Conditions

Last Updated On: 01 Sep 2023

Consumers Terms and Conditions for use of Dining Experiences website and App.


The Dining Experiences website and app are owned and operated by Dining Experiences Ltd, a company based in UK with registered office address - 12th Floor Millbank Tower, Millbank, London SW1P 4QP
1. Contractual relationship
      • 1.1 Dining Experiences operates a website and App (hereinafter jointly referred to as the “Dining Experiences Platform”) displaying various products for consumers to search and make an offer on, in the form of a booking... These products include various types of activities, attractions and experiences to include sightseeing tours by bus, on foot, boat etc., educational and fun courses including cooking courses, tickets for entry to various attractions, restaurants, museums, theatres, Citi Breaks and much more. (Hereinafter referred to as “products”) These products are operated by suppliers worldwide (hereinafter referred to as “the Supplier/s”). With whom the contract is made by the consumer once their offer is accepted (booking confirmed) by the suppliers. (“Hereinafter referred to as the “Service Agreement”).
        • a. A “Consumer” is any individual person that agrees to purchase a product for themselves or someone else but not intended for resell. Consumer may have purchased the product directly or via a booking agent
        • b. A “Booking agent” can be a natural person, a legal entity, or a partnership that is buying the product to resell.
        • c. A booking is an offer until it has been accepted by the supplier, at which point in time it is confirmed and the contract concluded
2. General Terms and Conditions
These General Terms and Conditions apply to any use of the Dining Experiences Platform.
  • 2.1 The Dining Experiences platform is not the organiser or the seller of the products on offer. In most cases they act as a re-seller or an agent. These Terms and Conditions apply solely to offers on the Dining Experiences Platform and for the purpose of introducing Consumers to the Supplier.
  • 2.2 The Terms and Conditions of the Supplier, for the sale of the service/product will come from the Supplier and will form the basis of the agreement between the Consumer and the Supplier. The Suppliers Standard terms and conditions are defined below however in addition to these there may be other specific product related terms and conditions which will be available at the time of booking the product and the Consumer is invited to tick a box at the time of booking to confirm their agreement.
  • 3.1 Information visitor to the platform can carry out these functions for free. The Dining Experiences platform provides information that has been updated by the Suppliers of the product. The Dining Experiences Platform is therefore not responsible for its accuracy. The use of the Dining Experiences Platform itself is free.
  • 4.1 Once the Consumer has completed a booking, including provision of payment details, and consenting to the box of Terms and Conditions, this will constitute a binding offer.
  • 4.2 Dining Experiences Platform will send the offer to the Supplier on Consumer’s behalf. In most cases, Suppliers will respond instantly, however there may be some products that could take up to five (5) days for the booking to be confirmed. During these 5 days the Consumer is not able to make any alterations to the booking. Thus, the Consumer is bound by their offer.
  • 4.3 Once the offer has been accepted by the Supplier by way of confirmed booking, Dining Experiences Platform will send a booking confirmation, on behalf of the Supplier, as well as a payment confirmation. Consumer can send any communication to supplier via Dining Experiences.
  • 4.4 The Dining Experiences Platform does not guarantee accuracy of forwarded data, nor performance of services by the Supplier. The information supplied to the consumer is what we would have received from Suppliers or third parties.
  • 4.5 The Consumer is responsible for complying with the terms and conditions of the Supplier.
  • 4.6 It is recommended that the Consumer has an insurance and fully researches visa, passport, medical and other local requirements before making a booking as not all the bookings are refundable;
  • 5.1 A Consumer may wish to open and maintain an account with Dining Experiences (hereinafter referred to as the “Dining Experiences Account”). The Consumer must be over 18 years to do so. Opening an account enables Consumer to track their bookings among other benefits.
  • 5.2 When registering, the Consumer will be required to select a password and state their name and other information, which must be accurate. (Hereinafter referred to as the “Dining Experiences Consumer ID”). If the Consumer accesses the Services through a third-Party Website or service, the Dining Experiences Platform may require that the Dining Experiences Consumer ID be the same as the Consumer’s name for such third-Party website or service. The Consumer is responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of their own password.
  • 5.3 For the account to be opened and maintained all the information supplied by The Consumer must be accurate, complete, with update provided when necessary. Suppling inaccurate information may result in immediate termination of the Account, resulting in potentially loss of any funds and bookings that may be held in the Dining Experiences Account.
  • 5.4 Dining Experiences does not allow Consumer to use name or ID of any another person so as to obtain duplicate accounts or to impersonate another person;
  • 5.5 A consumer is not allowed to operate more than one account.
  • 5.6 There are suppliers who require additional information to be made available at the time of making a booking such as ID, photos, Covid passport details and such like. The Consumer would therefore need to provide this and be ready to show them at the point of entry to attraction or activity including the physical credit card that was used to make the booking.
  • 5.7 While the Consumer is using the Dining Experiences Platforms this Terms of Use shall remain in full force and effect. Dining Experiences Platform reserves full rights to accept or not a new application to open an account as well as to terminate or suspend the Consumer access to the account at any time, for any reason, and without notice. If the consumer is in violation or breach of Terms and Conditions account may be terminated or suspended without any notice.
6. Effects of Termination
  • 6.1 Upon termination of the Consumer’s account, they will not be able to access the account. All our Terms and Conditions will continue to be valid despite the termination.
  • 6.2 If the Account has been terminated because of noncompliance of Terms and Conditions Dining Experiences reserves the right to cancel any future bookings, without giving any refunds or incurring any liability to the consumer.
  • 7.1 Once the booking has been confirmed, payment will be collected by Dining Experiences platform on behalf of the supplier, unless stated otherwise on the product site.
  • 7.2 If there is an error in booking e.g. Child booked rather than an adult, supplier may either refuse the entire voucher or charge the difference with or without a penalty.
  • 7.3 The Consumer must register in full in order to use the payment functions of The Dining Experiences Platform. The Consumer should enter the correct payment method/card as specified in the Cart functions. The consumer consents for his/her details to be used to collect the payment.
  • 7.4 Deposit payments.
If the Consumer does not pay for the booked service according to the agreed due date of payment, although the Supplier is prepared, and able, to perform the contractual service and there is no legal or contractual right of termination of order by the Consumer, the Supplier is permitted to withdraw from the contract and may charge the Consumer, for the withdrawal costs. These will not be higher than the balance that is due.
  • 8.1 Any cancellations and alterations etc. will have to be strictly under the Terms and Conditions and with full consent of the Supplier of the product. The refunds authorized by the supplier will be processed in the same way as the payment was made. Any refunds and alterations may be subject to charge.
  • 8.2 Refunds will always be made on the same credit card as was used for the payment. If the exchange rate has fluctuated between Supplier’s currency and the consumers chosen currency, the refund amount may not be the same.
  • 8.3 Alterations are treated as cancellations and new booking.
9. PRICING ON Dining Experiences
  • 9.1 All prices are normally per person and include local taxes. There may be some variations to this in which it will be stated on the product page.
  • 9.2 Product price, are set by suppliers and may be subject to special conditions as regards refunds etc. These conditions are normally stated on the product information page.
10. Consumer Warranties:
  • 10.1 The Consumer shall exempt the Dining Experiences Platform from third-party claims based on its use of the Dining Experiences Platform unless they are the fault of the Dining Experiences Platform.
  • 10.2 The Consumer represents, warrants and undertakes that they will not provide any submissions or information on Dining Experiences Platform which can be harmful to the platform or to other users of the platform.
11. LIABILITY OF Dining Experiences
  • 11.1 Under no circumstances can Dining Experiences, the Dining Experiences Platform, or any of Dining Experiences’s holding companies, subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, directors and/or employees be held liable for any loss of profits or any indirect, consequential, special, incidental, or punitive damages arising out of, based on, or resulting from inappropriate use by consumer, supplier or any other third party of Dining Experiences Platform
  • 11.2 These limitations and exclusions apply without regard to whether the damages arise from Breach of contract, warranty, Tort, Negligence or Any other cause of action, to the maximum extent that such exclusion and limitations are not prohibited by applicable law.
  • 11.3 All content, software, functions, materials, and information that is available on and accessible on the Dining Experiences Platform, is provided on an absolute "as is" basis. We do not guarantee nor provide any warranty as regards Supplier ability, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement, or that the use of the Services will be uninterrupted or error-free. Services provided by the supplier are within rules and regulations of the countries in which they operate.
  • 11.4 The Dining Experiences Platform does not make any express or implied representations or warranties of any kind, with regards to the content, information and functions available on the Dining Experiences Platform, for any of the Products or/Services or hypertext links to third parties.
  • 11.5 The Consumer agrees that any transmission to and from the Dining Experiences Platform is not confidential, and the Platform does not provide any warranty as regards security of such transmission. The Consumer communications may be read or intercepted by others. The Consumer further agrees that by submitting communications, bookings etc on Dining Experiences does not create any contractual relationship between the Consumer and the Dining Experiences Platform other than pursuant to this Terms of Use.
  • 11.6 The Consumer acknowledges that they have a contract with the supplier directly.
  • 12.1 Subject to this Terms of Use, the Dining Experiences Platform may either offer to provide the Products by itself or on behalf of the Suppliers, as described on each product page on the Dining Experiences Platform. The Consumer declares by using the Dining Experiences Platform that the bookings are solely for the Consumer’s use, and not for the use or benefit of any third party. Any Products offered by Dining Experiences by itself or on behalf of the Supplier on the Dining Experiences Platform.
  • 12.2 Dining Experiences reserves the right to change, suspend, or discontinue any Services at any time, including the availability of any feature, database, or content without any notice or liability. The Dining Experiences Platform may also impose limits or conditions for use of its service by the consumers.
  • 12.3 The Dining Experiences Platform reserves the right to amend the availability of the product.
13. Consumers travelling in a group or family.
The Consumer, making the booking, is responsible for making all arrangements necessary for his party using the product, to include have access to the Product and ensuring that all such persons who are accessing the Product are fully aware of this Terms of Use and other applicable terms and conditions for the Product and that they comply with them. Anyone within the party or the group making a breach of Terms and Conditions may result in the consequences stated within this Terms and Conditions and that of Suppliers.
Please look at our Privacy Policy for any information as regards your data protection and use of it at https://www.diningexperiences.com/privacy-policy/
  • 15.1 The Dining Experiences Platform reserves the right, to change or modify any section of this Terms of Use at any time without prior notice. The Consumer should visit this page periodically to review the current Terms of Use to which the Consumer is bound. The date on top of this page indicates the last date when changes were made to Terms and Conditions,
  • 15.2 The Consumer’s is advised to check the Dining Experiences Platform regularly so is fully aware of any changes to any Terms and Conditions. The product page will display the current Terms and conditions where applicable.
These General Terms and Conditions represent the whole agreement between Dining Experiences and the Consumer. This contract is governed by United Kingdom laws. If any provisions of these General Terms and Conditions are or become invalid, this shall not affect the validity of the rest of the provisions.
General Terms and Conditions for consumers as regards products on Dining Experiences Platforms provided by Suppliers of those products

General Terms and Conditions

These are General Terms and Conditions of suppliers of products (hereinafter referred to as “the Supplier/s”) and will apply to all contracts concluded between themselves and the consumers (hereinafter referred to as “the Consumer”) booking on Dining Experiences/Dining Experiences Platform (hereinafter referred to as “the Dining Experiences Platform”), or via a cooperating partner (such as a sub-agent, distribution partner).
Suppliers may have additional Terms and Conditions for specific tours and other tourist services in the contract. The Consumers are responsible for observing these additional terms and the supplier can exclude participants from the activity if they do not meet these conditions.
  • 1. B There are also specific product related terms and conditions displayed on the product page on Dining Experiences website that you should read.
Consumers must provide accurate information while booking. The Supplier has the right to withdraw the product and additionally to demand compensation amounting to the cancellation costs if erroneous details have been provided by the Consumer.
Consumer is advised to purchase insurance separately. Product does not include insurance unless stated otherwise. The requirement for insurance depends on the activity booked.
  • 4.1 Consumer cancelling: The terms and conditions are clearly stated in the product description or/and the voucher. Consumer is advised to carefully read the information in the product description.
  • 4.2 In general terms cancellation conditions are as follows, however there may be special terms on the product information page.
    • a. Full refund if cancelled Up to 36 hours before.
    • b. No refund if cancelled less than 36 hours before the start of the activity or in the event of a no-show - no refund
  • 4.3 The refund is completed using the same payment method. In the event of credit cards refunds, refunds will be made in the same currency and may take up to 30 days for the amount to show on the Consumer’s credit card statement.
Consumer should arrive at least 15 minutes before the activity with the voucher in a good condition so that it can be scanned. Supplier may require to see a photo ID or/and credit card that was used to make the booking.
Supplier has the right to withdraw the product if the consumer is legally not able to participate e.g. Not in a fit physical state, causing nuisance, likely to harm other participants, underage, or the ID does not match the name, or for any reason they are not able to meet the requirement of the product (height/age restriction)
Supplier has the right to charge additional monies if the booking has been made erroneously e.g. Child not adult etc.
Supplier is not responsible for stolen, lost voucher or confirmation number.
Any changes required by the consumer e.g. Date change, changes to number of passengers is totally at discretion of the supplier
If the consumer arrives late it would be at discretion of the supplier to offer entry or not.
The Supplier is permitted not to allow the Consumer to join an activity, or to exclude the Consumer from one, if the Consumer does not meet the personal participation requirements, participation would endanger the Consumer or someone else or in any other way make the activity impossible in the long-term. This applies accordingly to any referred consumer. In these cases, the paid price cannot be refunded.
The Consumer must, as a first step, communicate their concern to the Supplier with whom they have a contract. Suppliers would decide on level of refund they are able to offer if any. Except as expressly set forth herein, all fees paid for Vouchers are non-refundable. Prices quoted for Vouchers are in the currency stated on the Dining Experiences Platform at the time prior to purchase. Dining Experiences cannot assist as the contract is not with them however you can keep us informed at [email protected]
In the Event that the Supplier cancels a product, Dining Experiences will advise the consumer and will process the full refund as soon as possible.
The Supplier has the right to cancel the Event, if circumstances to include weather etc. makes the operation of the product hazardous to the consumer and others. Dining Experiences will refund the card booked as soon as possible in such events.
Furthermore, the Supplier reserves the right to make non-essential changes to the program if this is necessary due to unforeseeable or unavoidable conditions.
The Supplier is liable in accordance with the applicable law in their country, for its Services.
These Terms and Conditions of the Supplier of tours and other tourist services of can be amended at any time and without notice for future bookings by the Supplier. The respective conditions valid for each individual booking shall apply. The Consumer has no claim for future bookings based on the existing conditions.